Bixia Ye - Master of Business Administration - Lam Family College of Business
Bixia Ye completed her Master of Business Administration degree in Fall 2021. She came to the U.S. twelve years ago where she has achieved a high level of academic, professional, and personal success.
After earning a B.A. in Economics from UC Berkeley in 2015, Bixia began working for the California Public Utilities Commission as an Auditor with the Finance and Compliance Branch. In Spring 2020, Bixia joined the MBA program to improve her analytic, leadership, decision-making, and communication skills. She is currently a Regulatory Analyst with the Public Utilities Commission conducting research and analysis in economics, econometrics, and finance to develop regulatory recommendations.
Bixia worked full-time during throughout her studies at San Francisco State where faculty deemed her work "outstanding," and is the proud mother of two young children.