SF State Scholars (Blended Bachelor's +Master's) Programs

The San Francisco State Scholars program provides undergraduate students with an accelerated pathway to a graduate degree.  Students in this program pursue a bachelor’s and master’s degree simultaneously. This program allows students to earn graduate credit while in their junior and/or senior year, reducing the number of semesters required for completion of a master’s degree. The San Francisco State University Scholars program offers students additional career prospects, intellectual growth and the opportunity to deepen skills and research competencies. SF State Scholars receive a unique form of mentorship that is not often expected at a large urban university.

Scholar 4+1 Chart

San Francisco State Scholars Eligible Programs

The Accounting SF State Scholars program is designed to enable students to earn the units required by the California Board of Accountancy.  In five years, students will cover the material on the Certified Public Accountancy exam, meet the 150-hour requirement, and earn both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree.

View: Accounting Scholar (4+1) Application
SF Scholars Coordinator - Min Chen

The SF State Scholars program in Anthropology gives motivated students the opportunity to begin our MA program while completing their BA degree. Small-group seminars and close supervisor-student interaction in thesis research and creative works projects provides practical professional training. Our graduates find jobs in a wide-range of industries, non-profits and government agencies or work as high school and community college teachers, film producers and researchers. Others choose to continue their studies in Ph.D. programs.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Cynthia Ann Wilczak

The Biology Concentration in Marine Science and Interdisciplinary Marine and Estuarine Studies Scholar Program is an opportunity for exceptional students to become a competitive masters level marine scientist in a shorter time. Our faculty and marine science laboratories, right on the Bay, will train you to work across disciplines on vital issues confronting coastal and ocean regions where environmental and society impacts intersect.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Ellen M Hines

The SF State Scholars program in Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts (BECA) offers qualified students the opportunity to begin working on their MA degree while completing their BA degree. Students will take courses in advanced theory and aesthetics in small-group seminars while completing production and creative work, which will culminate in the graduate comprehensive exam.  Graduates of this program are prepared for a wide-range of media careers in both the public and private sector. Many also go on to teach at community and/or four-year colleges or continue their studies in doctoral programs.

SF Scholars and Graduate Coordinator: Dr. Melissa Camacho

BSBA Decision Sciences/Business Analytics concentration students can earn a STEM-designated graduate degree in Master's in Business Analytics (MSBA) through the blended (bachelor's + master's) 4+1 program, also known as the Scholars' Program. The major benefits of the program include: 

  1. Earning a bachelor's plus master's degree (STEM-designated) in five years.
  2. Saving significant graduate course fees in four courses that will count toward the master's degree and 
  3. Earning a STEM-designated graduate degree that may allow international students to apply for the Practical Training Visa for up to 36 months to work in the US. 

SF Scholars Coordinator - Theresa M K Roeder

BSBA Information Systems concentration students can earn a STEM-designated graduate degree in Master's in Business Analytics (MSBA) through the blended (bachelor's + master's) 4+1 program, also known as the Scholars' Program. The major benefits of the program include: 

  1. Earning a bachelor's plus master's degree (STEM-designated) in five years.
  2. Saving significant graduate course fees in four courses that will count toward the master's degree and 
  3. Earning a STEM-designated graduate degree that may allow international students to apply for the Practical Training Visa for up to 36 months to work in the US. 

IS Scholar’s Program Coordinator: Dr. Guillaume Faddoul

This SF State Scholars Program integrates the Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Early Care & Education with the Masters in Special Education plus the credential program in Early Childhood Special Education. The Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development (CAD): Concentration in Early Care & Education prepares students who wish to work primarily with young children (infants, toddlers, and preschoolers) and their families in settings such as preschools, child care centers, schools, and social service agencies. The Masters of Arts in Special Education (SPED) supports the mastery of a broad range of learning in inclusive, equitable special education support services, and fosters students’ development as practitioners, researchers, and educational leaders. The Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) credential program prepares individuals to provide quality early intervention and early childhood special education to young children, from birth to kindergarten, who have been diagnosed with disabilities in partnership with their families. Graduates of this blended program will be prepared for a career in special education to pursue a variety of jobs, including teaching, early intervention, program administration, and non-profit work. The program also fulfills the Basic Skills Requirement and reduces the time and overall cost of the credential and graduate degree. This program has a unique application process since it also includes a credential. Please visit the SPED website for the application process. 

Undergraduate SF Scholars Coordinator –  Linda Platas

Graduate SF Scholars Coordinator – Amber Friesen

This SF State Scholars Program integrates the Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential with the Masters in Special Education plus the credential program in Mild to Moderate Support Needs. The Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential prepares students who wish to become elementary school teachers or K-12 special education teachers. The Masters of Arts in Special Education (SPED) supports the mastery of a broad range of learning in inclusive, equitable special education support services, and fosters students’ development as practitioners, researchers, and educational leaders. The Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) credential program prepares individuals seeking teacher certification to work with students, from transitional kindergarten through age 22, including learning disabilities, English language learners with language/learning disabilities, emotional support needs, speech and language disabilities, autism, visual or auditory processing difficulties, and intellectual disabilities. Graduates of this blended program will be prepared to teach students with disabilities in inclusive urban settingsinteract effectively with families, and develop educational goals using a transdisciplinary team approach. The program fulfills the Basic Skills Requirement and the Subject Matter Competency Requirement and reduces the time and overall cost of the credential and graduate degree. This program has a unique application process since it also includes a credential. Please visit the SPED website for the application process.

Undergraduate SF Scholars Coordinator –  Linda Platas

Graduate SF Scholars Coordinator – Amber Friesen

This SF State Scholars Program integrates the Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential with the Masters in Special Education plus the credential program in Extensive Support Needs. The Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential prepares students who wish to become elementary school teachers or K-12 special education teachers. The Masters of Arts in Special Education (SPED) supports the mastery of a broad range of learning in inclusive, equitable special education support services, and fosters students’ development as practitioners, researchers, and educational leaders. The Extensive Support Needs (ESN) credential program prepares highly qualified teachers using research-based curricula and pedagogy to provide quality educational services to students, from transitional kindergarten through age 22,  with significant disabilities. Graduates of this blended program will be prepared to teach students with disabilities in inclusive urban settingsinteract effectively with families, and develop educational goals using a transdisciplinary team approach. The program fulfills the Basic Skills Requirement and the Subject Matter Competency Requirement and reduces the time and overall cost of the credential and graduate degree. This program has a unique application process since it also includes a credential. Please visit the SPED website for the application process.

Undergraduate SF Scholars Coordinator –  Linda Platas

Graduate SF Scholars Coordinator – Amber Friesen

This SF State Scholars Program integrates the Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential with the Masters in Special Education plus the credential program in Visual Impairment. The Bachelor of Arts in Child & Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential prepares students who wish to become elementary school teachers or K-12 special education teachers. The Masters of Arts in Special Education (SPED) supports the mastery of a broad range of learning in inclusive, equitable special education support services, and fosters students’ development as practitioners, researchers, and educational leaders. The Visual Impairment (VI) credential program prepares highly qualified teachers using research-based curricula and pedagogy to provide quality educational services to students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, birth through age 22. Graduates of this blended program will be prepared for employment as teachers of blind and low vision students, leaders and service providers in blindness organizations, or any role that requires expertise in differentiating teaching and learning for low incidence populations including visual impairments and deafblindness. The program fulfills the Basic Skills Requirement and the Subject Matter Competency Requirement and reduces the time and overall cost of the credential and graduate degree. This program has a unique application process since it also includes a credential. Please visit the SPED website for the application process.

Undergraduate SF Scholars Coordinator –  Linda Platas

Graduate SF Scholars Coordinator – Amber Friesen

The SF State Scholars program in Chemistry & Biochemistry provides talented students the opportunity to seamlessly transition from undergraduate to graduate study within a blended BS and MS program. Highly motivated BS Chemistry and Biochemistry majors may complete the BS and MS programs in as few as five years. Graduate study requires intensive research training by undertaking an independent research project, which adds depth of knowledge and valuable skills in their area of expertise. Students who successfully complete the program have an advantage for employment and acceptance into competitive PhD programs.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Andrew Ichimura

The SF State Scholar Program in Chinese is designed for motivated undergraduate Chinese majors who wish to complete both their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees within a five year timeframe. Those accepted into the program enroll in graduate-level classes starting in their senior year, thereby shortening time to graduate degree completion. SF State offers the only Master’s degree in Chinese in the California State University (CSU) system, providing students with qualifications needed for college-level teaching and doctoral research. The Master’s curriculum includes core and elective courses in literature, linguistics, pedagogy, research methodology, and translation/interpretation.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Chris Wen-chao Li

The San Francisco State Classics Scholars program provides undergraduate students with an accelerated pathway to an advanced degree in Classics. Students in this program undertake concurrent study in a bachelor’s and master’s degree during their junior and/or senior year, earning graduate credit while reducing the number of semesters required for completion of the master’s degree. The M.A. in Classics permits students to tailor their study to suit their future goals, including study of ancient Greek and Latin reading and translation (from beginning to advanced levels), Greek and Roman culture, art and archaeology, preparing them for many career paths.  These include pursuing a PhD in Classics or Classical Archaeology, entering the field of publishing, consulting, entering law school; working for government agencies, foundations, and non-profits, and, especially when paired with Latin teaching certification, teaching ancient languages in high schools.

SF Scholars Coordinator – Michael Anderson

The SF State Scholars program in Communication Studies offers talented students an accelerated route to blend the BA and MA programs and graduate with two degrees instead of one. The blended program prepares students for communication-related careers that require an advanced degree. We invite students into a life of engaged scholarly inquiry in communication with a focus on social justice. The blended program in Communication Studies can prepare students for many different types of careers, such as teaching jobs, doctoral programs, and public and private sectors in human resources, sales, customer service, public relations, nonprofit, community organizing, political activism, and more.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Leah Wingard

The SF State Scholars in Comparative World Literature program provides students with in depth analysis of cultural, historical, literary, linguistic, ethical and social concerns in literature. The program is of particular value for students who intend to pursue a doctoral degree in comparative literature or in a foreign language and literature, or who plan to teach literature at the K-12 or community college levels.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Dane Johnson

The CJS-IR SF State Scholar Program blends the BA in Criminal Justice and MA in International Relations to partner a strong undergraduate program’s robust enrollment with an internationally recognized graduate program. Each in its own way exemplifies San Francisco State’s history, character, and values. Together, they will expand career opportunities for students. This SF State Scholar Program provides an academic roadmap and important pipeline that will allow students to bridge (and earn) two degrees, a BA in Criminal Justice and an MA in International Relations, better positioning them for recruitment and rapid advancement in careers that will make meaningful change. Cross-listed courses between the two departments offer a foundation for CJ students to enjoy a smooth transition into an IR graduate program, having gained an understanding of an IR world view and integrated that knowledge into a CJS. With careful planning and advising, students will fulfill complementary studies requirements, allowing them to graduate in five years, while maintaining the standards for both degrees. Because the IR graduate program includes an internship option, it is particularly well-suited to career-oriented students. Alumni have been especially successful in earning internships in the security field that have resulted in job offers. Students with a CJ background would be well-positioned to take advantage of those opportunities. The Master’s degree in IR will enable CJ students to start their careers at a higher salary level, and open up career opportunities that the IR program provides in government service such as State Department and Department of Homeland Security as well as careers in non-profits and global corporations.

SF Scholars Coordinators: Amy Skonieczny

A blended program in Design would offer current undergraduates the opportunity to extend their education to master the necessary skills in the field, which includes studying the theory and methods underpinning contemporary design and design thinking and applying these in the culminating experience project. These skills offers additional career prospects, intellectual growth and the opportunity to deepen skills and research competencies; and significant practical and financial benefits.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Hsiao-Yun Chu

The SF State Scholars program in Earth & Climate Sciences gives talented students the opportunity to blend the BS and MS programs for completion in as little as 5 years. This is a flexible program for students in any of our undergraduate emphases (in Geology; Hydrology; or Ocean, Weather & Climate), and ideal for transfer students who want the research experience and training leading to an MS in Geosciences. Students who successfully complete this program will have a competitive advantage for employment in government agencies, environmental consulting, education, or preparation for a PhD program.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Mary Leech

The Economics SF State Scholars program provides an accelerated route for students to acquire advanced skills and preparation for in-demand careers in government, business, and non-profits, especially in quantitative and data analytics professions. The program also provides an essential bridge and foundation for those students who wish to pursue Ph.D. programs in Economics or related fields. The Economics SF State Scholars program enables talented students to spread the challenge of a Master of Science in Quantitative Economics over their undergraduate and graduate careers, allowing them greater flexibility in acquiring a master's degree that will enhance their career prospects greatly.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Maxine J. Lee

The School of Engineering offers the SF State Scholars programs in three areas including Civil, Computer, and Electrical Engineering.

B.S. in Civil Engineering + M.S. in Civil Engineering:

The blended program in Civil Engineering offers an excellent accelerated opportunity to earn the master’s degree in Structural/Earthquakes engineering. It aims to provide advanced training in practical design and structural theory to enable students to specialize in structural/earthquake engineering and to make an immediate, lasting impact on both current and future careers. The courses are taught in various topics by well-respected professionals and professors in the field. This program will allow students to increase their academic/professional portfolio to have a competitive advantage in the working field.

SF Scholars Coordinator (Civil Engineering) - Zhaoshuo Jiang 
Spring admission deadline: January 15


B.S. in Computer/Electrical Engineering + M.S. in Electrical Enginnering:

The blended programs offer an accelerated route for motivated undergraduate students in Computer/Electrical Engineering to complete both their B.S. and M.S. degrees in five years. Students work directly with a faculty advisor to gain research experience and necessary skills to apply creativity, critical thinking, and technologies in developing engineering products and solutions for real-world problems. The undergraduate program introduces a breadth of the field and the master program a depth, the combination of which is an excellent preparation for flourishing in modern tech economy.

SF Scholars Coordinator (Computer Engineering) - Xiaorong Zhang

SF Scholars Coordinator (Electronical Engineering) - Hamid Mahmoodi


B.S. in Mechanical Engineering + M.S. in Mechanical Engineering

The blended programs offer a fast-track for qualified undergraduate students in Mechanical Engineering to complete both their B.S. and M.S. degrees in approximately five years. Students’ undergraduate degree provides the technical foundation to be successful in the M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering based on the students’ chosen concentration area offered within the program. Students can select from one of the following concentration areas 1) Robotics & Mechatronics, 2) Energy Systems, and 3) Thermal Fluids Systems, where the coursework is taught by faculty experts that will provide students advanced critical thinking to solve real-world technological challenges. Students will work closely with a faculty advisor to develop a strong research experience that aligns with their career interest in the respective areas. By acquiring a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, a student will gain depth in design and technical skills to be competitive in obtaining high-paying jobs in various high-tech industries, such as those in design, robotics, automation, biomedical devices, manufacturing, renewable energy, and systems engineering, particularly within Silicon Valley and the Bay Area as a whole.

SF Scholars Coordinator (Mechanical Engineering) - David Quintero

The San Francisco State English Scholars program provides undergraduate students with an accelerated pathway to a graduate degree. Students in this program pursue a bachelor’s and master’s degree simultaneously This program allows students to earn graduate credit while in their junior and/or senior year, reducing the number of semesters required for completion of a master’s degree. Our MA English graduates are prepared for many career paths, including teaching in junior colleges, community colleges, and private high schools; pursuing a PhD, entering the field of publishing; writing for journals, magazines, and online publications; entering law school; and working for government agencies, foundations, and non-profits.

SF Scholars Coordinator - MA Composition: Mark Roberge
SF Scholars Coordinator - MA Linguistics: Jenny Lederer
SF Scholars Coordinator - MA TESOL: Priya Abeywickrama

The SF State Scholars program in English provides an accelerated path for students to earn their MA in English Literatures. Our MA program is designed to meet students' diverse interests while providing opportunities for professionalization in the field. The MA program balances traditional literary history with cutting-edge work in such fields as cultural studies; digital literacies; environmental humanities; feminist studies; food studies; literature and psychology; narrative, lyric, and performance theories; and postcolonial studies. Our MA graduates are prepared for many career paths, including teaching in junior colleges, community colleges, and private high schools; pursuing a PhD, entering the field of publishing; writing for journals, magazines, and online publications; entering law school; and working for government agencies, foundations, and non-profits.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Sara Hackenberg

The Ethnic Studies SF State Scholar program is a great opportunity for motivated students majoring in Africana Studies, Asian American Studies, Latina/Latino Studies, or Race & Resistance. The Master of Arts in Ethnic Studies is designed to be a versatile degree that provides a solid foundation for careers teaching at community colleges, working in community and multicultural resource development, administrative work in the non-profit sector, employment in student resource centers, practical application in the business fields, and much more.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Jason Ferreira 
Spring admission deadline: November 15 
Fall admission deadline: February 1

The SF State Scholars program in History is designed for motivated and exceptional history students to complete an accelerated BA and an MA in history in just five years, saving both time and money. Students will begin graduate-level courses in their senior year when they will be fully integrated into the MA program, which prepares students for doctoral study in history or for a variety of careers, including in public history, teaching, publishing, and law, among others. The MA program offers a broad range of course offerings and the mentorship of an engaged faculty of teacher-scholars.

SF Scholars Coordinator: Sarah Curtis - Jessica Elkind

The SF State Scholars program in Humanities gives undergraduate majors who want to pursue graduate study the opportunity to begin their MA coursework during their senior year, and thus to complete a BA and MA in five years. Our MA program involves 12 units of core seminars on topics in interdisciplinary humanities, 15 units of electives (drawn from our own or other LCA graduate programs), and a culminating thesis or exam. Our MA graduates find themselves well-prepared for a range of career paths, including community college teaching, law, and public service. A number of our graduates pursue PhDs in humanities fields (such as literature, history, cultural studies).

SF Scholars Coordinator - Cristina Ruotolo

The International Relations SF State Scholars program provides an accelerated route for students to enter a competitive workforce in government, business, and non-profits or to pursue advanced graduate training leading to a Ph.D in the International Relations field. The International Relations SF State Scholars program enables talented students to spread the challenge of an M.A. over their undergraduate and graduate careers so that they use their time and money wisely toward an education that will enhance their career prospects.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Juanita Darling

The SF State Kinesiology Scholar Program is designed for exceptional undergraduate students in Kinesiology that would like to complete both their undergraduate and Master's degrees in a shortened time frame (5-5 1/2 years). The program provides an excellent opportunity for students to further enhance their knowledge base and academic skills in the field of Kinesiology. It also allows students to develop more competitive applications to doctoral programs (e.g. Physical Therapy, Medicine, Kinesiology) and improve their employment opportunities. Students receive specialized advising from a faculty mentor as well as extended research experience in the student's area of interest.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Jimmy Bagley

This SF State Scholars Program integrates the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (Concentration in Exercise and Movement Science) with the Masters in Special Education plus the credential program in Orientation & Mobility. The Concentration in Exercise and Movement Sciences serves students interested in biomechanics, exercise physiology, motor behavior, sport and exercise psychology, socio-cultural studies of physical activity, and various forms of physical rehabilitation. The program examines those factors that influence the form, function, and effectiveness of movement and physical activity across the lifespan and for special populations, such individuals with disabilities and chronic diseases. The Masters in Special Education prepares professionals for employment in schools and other public and private agencies serving people with disabilities of all ages and provide students with an opportunity to learn from, and participate in, on-going research, demonstration, training, and clinical projects conducted by faculty. The California Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential in Orientation & Mobility qualifies candidates to work at the California School for the Blind and in the California public school system. Graduates of this blended program will be prepared for a career in special education to teach orientation and mobility techniques to individuals with disabilities who have visually impairments and/or who are blind from infancy through adulthood in a variety of settings including public school systems and rehabilitation agencies. The program also fulfills the Basic Skills Requirement and reduces the time and overall cost of the credential and graduate degree.

Undergraduate SF Scholars Coordinator – Matt Lee

Graduate SF Scholars Coordinator – Amber Friesen

The San Francisco State Scholars program provides undergraduate students with an accelerated pathway to a graduate degree.  Students in this program pursue a bachelor’s and master’s degree simultaneously. The Liberal Studies (LS) major has a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary curriculum that encompasses many areas of knowledge in the humanities, arts, and sciences. The MA in Curriculum and Instruction equips teachers with knowledge of current education research and culturally responsive pedagogical practices to support their work in diverse school settings.

SF Scholars and Graduate Coordinator: Acacio de Barros & Ali Borjian

SF State's graduate program in Philosophy ranked among the top nine terminal M.A. programs in the United States. It is a leader in placing students in doctoral programs and is distinguished among graduate programs in offering training and supervision in teaching. Philosophy SF State Scholars students will have the opportunity to move on more quickly, and highly competitively, to begin their advanced degrees in philosophy, religious studies, law, and public policy, while saving money that they will need to cover the costs of their professional degrees.

        SF Scholars Coordinator - Arezoo Islami

The Department of Physics & Astronomy offers two blended B.S./M.S. programs in the SF State Scholars Program to allow motivated undergraduates accelerated pathways toward graduate degrees in physics and astronomy.  These programs are excellent preparation for employment in industry, research laboratories, community colleges, planetaria, observatories, and science museums, as well as admission to competitive Ph.D. programs.

SF Scholars Coordinator: Joseph Barranco

The Political Science SF State Scholars program provides an accelerated route for students to enter a competitive workforce in government, law, business, and teaching, and/or to better prepare them for more advanced graduate training in doctoral programs and law schools. Start your graduate work while still an undergrad! Political Science SF State Scholars students will be able to begin their advanced degrees early, allowing them to spend more time on specialized research, work more closely with SF State faculty, and save money and time covering the costs of an MA degree. The program may be done part time or full time.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Nicole Watts

The SF State Scholars program in Public Administration (MPA) and BA in Political Science provides motivated students an accelerated route for completing the preparation for careers in government and nonprofit organizations.  These can be in advocacy, community development, housing, city management, public policy analysis, or other areas. With this program, students can begin their career development while still undergraduates and obtain both the BA and MPA early, saving time and money.

SF Scholars and Graduate Coordinator: Genie Stowers

The Developmental Psychology SF State Scholar program is an exceptional opportunity for students in the Psychology major. The Master of Arts in Developmental Psychology is designed to be a versatile degree that provides graduate training in lifespan development with an emphasis on the theory, methodology, and techniques to answer complex questions about change over time. Graduates of the program will be eligible to teach at college-level courses, manage data collection efforts, serve as statistical consultants, and will be competitive candidates to PhD programs in developmental psychology, clinical psychology, and child and family studies.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Jae Paik

The SF State Scholars program in Public Administration (MPA) and BA in Asian American Studies provides motivated students an accelerated route for completing the preparation for working in their communities through careers in government and nonprofits.  These can be in advocacy, community development, job creation, or other areas. With this program, students are able to start their careers while still undergraduate students and obtain both the BA and MPA early, saving time and money!

SF Scholars Coordinator - Genie Stowers

The SF State Scholars program in Public Administration (MPA) and BA in Latina / Latino Studies provides motivated students an accelerated route for completing the preparation for working in their communities through careers in government and nonprofits.  These can be in advocacy, community development, job creation, or other areas. With this program, students are able to start their careers while still undergraduate students and obtain both the BA and MPA early, saving time and money!

SF Scholars Coordinator - Genie Stowers

The SF State Scholars program in Public Administration (MPA) and BA in Urban Studies and Planning provides motivated students an accelerated route for completing the preparation for working in their communities through careers in government and nonprofits.  These can be in advocacy, community development, job creation, or other areas. With this program, students are able to start their careers while still undergraduate students and obtain both the BA and MPA early, saving time and money!

SF Scholars Coordinator - Genie Stowers

The SF State Scholars Program offers students a unique opportunity to earn two degrees (BA in Social Work + MA in Gerontology) in five years. This blended, interdisciplinary program provides students with an academic roadmap and meaningful opportunities to: 1) be active learners fully engaged in exploring our most important societal issues, 2) promote life-long learning, 3) gain a richer understanding of aging in the global world, and 4) realize the activist potential of our disciplines. Successful completion of both degrees (BA in Social Work + MA in Gerontology) will enable students to master the knowledge and skills competencies needed to leverage themselves for advanced doctoral/professional studies, meaningful careers in the public and non-profit sectors, and worthwhile service to a diverse community of elders.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Jocelyn Clare Hermoso & Emiko Takagi

The SF State Scholars Program offers students a unique opportunity to earn two degrees (BA in Sociology + MA in Gerontology) in five years. This blended, interdisciplinary program is designed to provide students with an academic roadmap and meaningful opportunities to: 1) be active learners fully engaged in exploring our most important societal issues, 2) promote life-long learning, 3) gain a richer understanding of aging in the global world, and 4) realize the activist potential of our disciplines. Successful completion of both degrees (BA in Sociology + MA in Gerontology) will enable students to master the knowledge, competencies and skills needed to leverage themselves for advanced doctoral/professional studies, productive career opportunities, and worthwhile service to a diverse community of elders.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Rita Melendez & Emiko Takagi

The SF State Scholar Program in Spanish offers those students interested in pursuing graduate study an excellent opportunity to accelerate the process and better position themselves in the workforce. Students with a Master of Arts degree in Spanish have gone on to careers in teaching, administration, non-profits, journalism, and have also be accepted into prestigious doctoral programs around the world.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Michael F. Hammer & Ana Luengo Palomino

The SF State Scholars program in Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences blends the BS and MS for completion in 5 years. Upon completion, participating students qualify for the California licensure in speech-language pathology, national certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), and the speech-language pathology services credential in California. Students also receive specialization in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), autism, early childhood, or Spanish bilingualism.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Laura Epstein

The School of Theatre & Dance offers students an opportunity to complete both B.A. and M.A. Theatre Arts programs in five years. After completing the B.A. courses in theatre practice and backgrounds, students may enter the M.A. program for more intensive studies in theatre history, dramatic literature, dramaturgy, and directing, with additional elective study in design and educational theatre. The program prepares students for advanced study in a Ph.D program, teaching in theatre arts, and practicing dramaturgy.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Kim Schwartz

The Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies considers global structures of power and histories of racism in relation to local, regional, national and transnational feminist practices. The interdisciplinary program provides analysis and debate of activist scholarship by feminists who confront and transform various institutions and arenas, including education, politics, law, media and arts, sexuality, nonprofit groups, global nongovernmental organizations, communities, labor struggles and cultural productions.

SF Scholars Coordinator - Martha Kenney

Program Benefits Include:

  • Outstanding faculty mentorship
  • Simplified application process
  • Waived graduate school application fee
  • Waived GRE/GMAT requirements
  • Double-count up to 12 graduate units for both degrees
  • Save time
  • Reduce student debt


  • Obtain Tenured/Tenure Track faculty advisor sponsorship in the degree program
  • Apply before completion of 90-105 semester units and before enrolling in a senior capstone course 
  • Hold a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA or 3.0 GPA in the last 60 semester units.
  • Declare a major in related SF State Scholar program
  • Meet admission requirements for intended graduate program
For more information or if you have any questions about our SF State Scholars program, please contact the Associate Director of Enrollment & Curricular Engagement: Khaled Ezzat at khaled@sfsu.edu

Application Instructions:

  • Consult with an SF Scholars Coordinator to determine if you are eligible for the SF State Scholars Program, and if the program is the best fit for you.
  • Complete the SF State Scholars Application and submit it to your SF Scholars Coordinator for approval. 
  • No Application fee is required.
  • No GRE/GMAT test is required.
  • Submitting Documents through the DocuSign Portal
    1. Your name and SFSU email address
    2. The name and SFSU email address of your Faculty Sponsor/Advisor
    3. The name and SFSU email address of your SF Scholars Program Coordinator
    4. Click "Begin Signing"
    5. Fill out the top portion of the form
    6. Click “FINISH” at the top of the page to send the form for Review.
    7. All approving parties will receive an email requesting review & approval of the SF State Scholars Admission form. It is important that you submit accurate information for prompt review/approval

View: SF State Scholars Application

Advancement to Graduate Student Status for Undergraduate SF State Scholars:

Students in their final semester of completing 120 units applicable to the blended bachelor's and master's degree programs must fill out the SF State Scholars Advancement to Graduate Student Status. This form is due on October 15 for Fall completion and March 15 for Spring completion.

By filling and signing above, the student is confirming:

  • Completion of 120 degree applicable units.
  • Overall or last 60 units with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, with B or higher in all graduate courses taken.
  • SF Scholars program coordinator has advised the student on the requirements for the blended program, double counting units (max 12 graduate level units for double counting), and the timeline for degree completion.
  • An Advisor Request must be submitted for each graduate level course that will be used to substitute undergraduate major degree requirements or any course that needs to be excluded.

If the SF State Scholars student completed all undergraduate degree requirements, student must apply for graduation for their BA/BS at the Gateway Student Center. For Registrar’s office deadlines, visit Registrar's Graduation Page. If a student is still missing undergraduate degree requirements, those must be completed while enrolled at the graduate level.

Please note that the DPR will not indicate which graduate courses will count toward the student’s graduate program. SF Scholars program coordinators will assist students in verifying which classes they intend to use for their master’s degree.

Transitioning to graduate status will increase your tuition and may also affect your financial aid eligibility. Please consult the Financial Aid Office for more information.