Campus Solutions Resources

CS QUERIES (Query Viewer):

With the switch over to Campus Solutions a lot of the reports requested of our office will already be generated for departments to generate with live stats. Currently the admissions cycle has the following queries available to departments (Copy bolded query name and paste in CS Query Viewer Search box to find and use this query):


  • SFO_CS_AD_ADMISSION_DEPT - Display all applications to your program, and based on their 'Action Reason' you will see the status of that application.
  • SFO_CS_AD_GRAD_DEPT_ROSTER_V2 - All applicants to your program with Program Action and Action Reason code.
  • SFO_CS_AD_GRAD_DEPT_DECISION - All applications to your program that have been processed by Graduate Admissions and are ready for Department Decisions to be entered.
  • SFO_CS_AD_GRAD_ADMIT_ROSTER - All applications to your program that have been finalized by Graduate Admissions and the status on the offer to the applicant.
  • GRAD_ADM_ADMIT_W_DEPT_COND_CLG - All applicants (sorted by college) who have been admitted only and the information on department comments, and external GPA calculated by the Graduate Studies.
  • GRAD_ADM_WITH_GRE_SCORE -  Display all applications to your program, with applicants' GRE scores (by college).
  • GRAD_ADM_WITH_GRE_SCORE_DEPT -  Display all applications to your program, with applicants' GRE scores (by department).
  • GRAD_ADM_W_TOEFL_IELTS_SCORE - Display all applications to your program, with applicants' TOEFL or IETLS scores (by department).


  • SFO_CS_SR_GRAD_ACTIVE_STDNT - Current term active students who are eligible to enroll for your program.
  • SFO_CS_AA_ACTIVE_BY_PLAN_GRD - Current active student for your program with total units, and cumulative GPAs.
  • GRAD_ACTIVE_INACTIVE_BY_DEPT - Current term active & inactive students in your program.
  • SFO_CS_AD_ADM_ENROLLED_DEPT - Current term enrollments for your program, notating new students enrolled .
  • SFO_CS_SR_TOTAL_ENROLLED_DEPT - Current term enrollments for your program, notating both new enrolled and current enrolled students by their admit term.
  • GRAD_CLASSLIST_499_DEPT - The class list of students who are enrolled in 499 courses for your program.
  • SFO_CS_SR_CPP_ENROLLED_COURSES - Current term enrollments for your program, and displaying the courses that students are/were enrolled (in multiple rows).
  • GRAD_CRSE_SHPCART_ENRL_LIST - Lists students who currently are enrolled or have the course in the shopping cart (for single department).
  • GRAD_CRSE_SHPCART_ENRL_CLG - Lists students who currently are enrolled or have the course in the shopping cart (for entire college).


  • SFO_CS_SR_GRAD_DEG_DEPT - Who has applied, earned, denied for graduation by term and by program.
  • GRAD_SR_ACTIVE_W_DEG_TRACKING - Current active students by Academic Department, also showing whether or not students apply to graduate.
  • SFO_CS_SR_GRAD_EARNED_DEPT - Who has earned graduate degree (by department with the term range)
  • SFO_CS_SR_DEPT_DEG_TRACKING - Who were admitted and enrolled in a particular term, and tracks whether or not those very same students have graduated.


  • SFO_CS_GATC_CULE_EXP_ELIG_DEPT - Eligibility list for Culminating Experience enrollment.  Students on this list have both an approved Advancement To Candidacy (ATC) form and Proposal for Culminating Experience (PCE) form on file with Graduate Studies and are eligible to begin work in the Culminating Experience course.  
  • GRAD_GATC_STATUS_BY_ID - To look up the GATC status (prompted by student ID).
  • GRAD_CULE_STATUS_BY_ID - To look up the PCE status and its title (prompted by student ID).


  • SFO_CS_SR_GRAD_PROBATION_DEPT - Who has been placed on probation by term and by program.