Aditi Grossman - M.A., Economics - Lam Family College of Business
Born in Mumbai, India, Aditi Grossman came to the U.S. for college. She graduates with an M.A. in Economics after earning a B.S. in Business Administration at SF State. During her studies, she taught undergraduate courses in calculus and pre-calculus. She was a graduate teaching assistant in the economics and mathematics departments. She was also a research scholar at the Health Equity Institute and a member of the Mathematics Education Research Group for Equity.
Grossman’s interest in addressing inequalities in communities fueled her research endeavors. She co-authored a publication with Associate Professor of Economics Venoo Kakar titled “Jobs and Housing (Im)balance in the San Francisco Bay Area.” The publication sheds light on the local economy and how it’s changing. She’s currently assisting Economics Professor and Chair Anoshua Chaudhuri on a publication titled “Collecting Data on H-1B Workers Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk.” The study focuses on a highly educated and critical population in the labor force. After graduation, Grossman plans to pursue a doctorate degree in Economics. In her free time, she is active with local groups such as SF Hillel, Girls Who Code and the San Francisco SPCA.