Philip-Izac Evangelista Enguancho - M.A., Communication Studies - College of Liberal & Creative Arts
As a graduate scholar in Communication Studies, Philip-Izac Evangelista Enguancho’s culminating creative project examined Filipino/American and hip hop culture through an autoethnographic performance. His work brought to the forefront voices, stories and bodies of a community that has been historically marginalized. In a world that has invested very little time in understanding Filipino history within the context of U.S. imperialism, Enguancho is committed to that work.
As a teacher, he excels in making abstract theoretical materials accessible and inviting to his audience, often using hip hop lyrics and examples from popular culture. He led a group of his colleagues to challenge the department to actively pursue anti-racist policies and helped develop an anti-racist curriculum. He was instrumental in getting open educational resources so that an introductory course will be zero-cost for students beginning in Fall 2021.