Graduate Writing Support

Regular University Writing Support Courses
HSS 700 Graduate Writing in Health and Social Sciences (Units: 3)
Prerequisite: Must be a student in a college of Health and Social Science graduate program or consent of instructor.
Preparation for graduate-level writing by strengthening writing organization, integrating sources, critically analyzing publications, APA style, and developing skills for effective written communication. May not be used to meet ATC requirements. (CR/NC only)
ENG 670 Writing for Graduate Studies in the Liberal and Creative Arts (Units: 3)
Prerequisites: Graduate status, or application in progress, or consent of instructor. Registration priority will be given to students enrolled in graduate programs in the College of Liberal and Creative Arts.
Development of writing skills for graduate work in the Liberal and Creative Arts, focusing on the kinds of writing needed in these disciplines. May not be used for master's degree ATC requirements.
College of Professional &Global Education Writing Support Courses
SF State's College of Professional and Global Education offers several courses a graduate student may take to meet the minimum written English proficiency requirement. None of these courses can be used to meet master's degree Advancement to Candidacy (ATC) requirements.
To register for your Graduate Writing Support Course:
- Use this link,, to find the available writing courses for this term. Scroll down or click the “G” alpha to find ‘Graduate Writing – Special Sessions.’ Here you can write down the class number you will need for enrollment in the desired Graduate Writing Support Course.
- Once you have the class number, go to your "Student Center" to enroll in the course through your SF State Gateway account. Login here: :
- Select "Schedule/Classes" from the Student menu on the left sidebar.
- Continue to the “Student Center” using the link at the top of the page.
- Using the class number you found in Step 1, select the “Enroll” tab at the top of the page (if you get an error message or do not have the option to select the current term, please contact Enrollment Services at (415) 405-7700).
- Enroll using the class number you noted.
- Use the links in the Student Center to complete payment and update your record.

On-Campus Services
- CARP (Campus Academic Resource Program)
- ETC (English Tutoring Center)
- LAC (Learning Assistance Center)
- Tutoring Resources for Writing
- Writing Group for Graduate Student
Fellowships Office
- Graduate Writing Workshops – cover how to produce more incisive, elegant academic writing
- National Fellowship Program Information Workshops – include detailed information on how to craft the essays and address application prompts
- CSU Pre-Doctoral Program and Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Information Workshops – include detailed information on how to craft the essays and address application prompts. The Pre-Doc Program workshop includes content required for application to PhD programs
Library Support Services
- Citations & Their Formats (online tutorial)
- Citing References
- Software available for SFSU students (under: Campus software licenses)